Four Quadrant Analysis
For any company implementing service oriented architecture (SOA), little concentration has been put on the up front analysis and realization of the return on investment. TxMQ has developed a methodology and middleware service management that can help companies realize ROI early in project phases.
In this whitepaper, Cindy Gregoire, PMP and Practice Manager, shares a new approach for project initiation and SOA services analysis that when leveraged will streamline and aid customers in reaching a full return on investment with their SOA.
This whitepaper includes:
• Visual representation that simplifies the complexity of SOA
• Development of project artifacts that are re-usable and valuable in establishing patterns for customers
• Insight into unique business analysis function for rolling out SOA technology
Bonus: The first 300 people who download this whitepaper will be automatically entered into a drawing for an iPod shuffle. Winner will be notified via email.