bala rajaraman

by Natalie Miller • @natalieatWIS

Podcast: Bluemix cloud platform blurs the lines of business and IT

Published January 23, 2015


Since the launch of its cloud platform-as-a-service, Bluemix, in early 2014, IBM has focused on getting developers to see the value the tool and its services bring to application development.

Insights Magazine sat down with Bala Rajaraman, Distinguished Engineer and CTO of Cloud Platform Services at IBM, in December to talk about Big Blue’s investment in Bluemix, how the tool blurs the lines between the business and IT, and what kinds of applications developers have created.

To read the entire written Q&A with Bala, where he also explains where IBM stands against its initial goals for the platform and what’s in store for 2015 in terms of user adoption and revenue potential, come back to Insights Magazine in early February.



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