“With the number of mobile devices and social media tools on the rise, it is crucial that Zain has the right channels in place to reach our customers with the best personalized content and services wherever they may be,” says Omar Al Omar, Chief Executive Officer, Zain Kuwait, in a press release. “Leveraging IBM’s solution capabilities, we will be able to gain deeper insights about our customers’ behavior which will help us in our customer engagement and services personalization.”
We are advising our customers to listen to their customers … to be able to respond the way that their customers are expecting them to respond.
Mohamed Emad El-Din, IBM Collaboration Solution Business Unit Executive, Software Group, IBM Middle East & Africa
In IBM’s recent survey of 1,600 CIOs worldwide, more than 80 percent of respondents said they are shifting their focus to the front office, where marketing, sales, and service managers work directly with customers. To do so, they are investing in new technologies to gain deeper insights into customer data. Examples of these items include sentiment mining and social network analysis to identify unique behavioral patterns and reliably predict critical trends. This deeper engagement is a now universal ambition, with 90 percent of all C-suite leaders expecting to increase direct collaboration with their customers.
“There is no longer any real distinction between the customer experience and contemporary business strategy, as customer satisfaction is key to the success of every organization,” says Amr Refaat, IBM General Manager for Middle East and Pakistan. “Zain has long been at the forefront of technology adoption in Kuwait. With IBM’s solution, Zain will be able to revisit its existing digital platforms to create enhanced exceptional digital experiences that reach and engage with their customers.”
According to IBM, the IBM Customer Experience Suite helps organizations develop a dynamic web experience for consumers that can attract and retain customers, personalize advertising and marketing campaigns, and enhance overall customer loyalty. For Zain, the solution is being implemented in partnership with IBM business partner Khorafi Business Machines. IBM is hosting the software for Zain—both browser-based and through customer mobile devices.
IBM can recognize the mobile device being used by the customer and adjust the experience to fit with that device, explains Emad El-Din.
“IBM in general is doing a lot of … engagement in the area of exceptional user experience,” explains Emad El-Din. “We believe that we need to do and use what our customers are doing and using. So we believe now that many customers are more familiar with push [technology], are more familiar with online checking, are more familiar with doing things online than doing things the old-fashioned way. We are advising our customers to listen to their customers … to be able to respond the way that their customers are expecting them to respond.”
Find out more information about IBM Customer Experience Suite and IBM ExperienceOne portfolio.