Infographic: Mobile's impact on cloud storage in the enterprise
Published January 20, 2015
The rise of the mobile enterprise and bring-your-own-device has profoundly impacted modern business. Employees access work files and emails from home and on the road and share information on multiple devices. Enterprises adapt with file sync and share (FSS) and cloud storage services, which undoubtedly bring security into question. What is the risk and which measures have enterprises taken to improve cloud storage?
Share this infographic with your colleagues and friends! Here are a few tweetable stats:
- 31% of companies experienced #data leaks in 2013 as a result of employees using public FSS services #cloudstorage »tweet«
- 55% of enterprises with over 30K employees forbid the use of SaaS-based file sharing solutions #cloud #cloudstorage »tweet«
- 70% of companies implemented or are considering private #cloud FSS solutions #cloudstorage »tweet«
- 58% have implemented on-premises #cloud storage gateways #cloudstorage »tweet«